
100+ Drosera capensis Wide seed Broad leaf cape sundew carnivorous plant!



  • Type: other
  • Condition: New
  • Brand: Unbranded
  • All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted


Drosera capensis Wide
“Cape sundew”
Fresh collected with high
germination rate. All seeds were stored in the fridge in temperature around
4°C/39°F until sold. Large number ensures big germination of plants.
Seeds are tiny small like dust (1mm length). Handle with care when sowing
the seeds. Propagation and germination notes will be included with the seeds,
sow inmediately.
Native to the Cape in South Africa, Drosera capensis is beautiful, small
rosette-forming carnivorous plant species having linear leaves up to 2 ½ inches
(6.5 cm) long. It is one of the easiest carnivorous plants to grow and care. It
is a free-flowering and fascinating house plant that may bloom after short 8
months after sowing. The plant lives 3 years or more, producing seedlings
during the way!
Growing Drosera capensis is fun and
simple. The leaves are densely covered with stalked tentacles (trichomes or
leaf hairs) that secrete sticky mucilage with enzymes to attract and catch
inserts. The tentacles are very sensitive and mobile. Once an insert is trapped
on a leaf, its movements contact triggers a curling reaction. The leaf wraps around
the insect and produces more digestive glands in contact with its prey,
eventually digesting and absorbing the victim’s nutrients until only the external
skeleton remains.
: Do not
feed regular animal meat, it will not be digested and may cause fungi or pests
around your plants.
Carnivorous plants WILL NOT tolerate salts and minerals; do not water with
city water or hard water. Only rainwater, reverse osmosis or distilled water
should be used, this is essential to this plant, otherwise slow decay and death
will overcome in weeks. This water can be found at aquariums and some nurseries.
It needs to be kept constantly moist to wet, the pot sitting on a 1cm water
level (during winter let it dry completely before watering).
Drosera capensis needs full sun to
light shade for at least 4 hours a day. Acidic soil mix of 50:50 peat and sand/perlite,
or pure long fibered Sphagnum moss works fine. The pots may be of 3” deep or
more for better results. Temperature can range from 45 to 90F.
Seeds start to germinate 30days after sowing over chopped sphagnum moss or
really moist peat, cover the container with plastic and bring a fluorescent
light near them (incandescent light is too hot for this) weekly spray water
over the seeds that need to be Sprinkled over the medium, do not bury them.
Transplant when they are 5mm or higher to a place where the conditions above
said are met.
Does not tolerate frost!
Please note that you will receive a packet of seeds NOT a plant.
All payments by PAYPAL only, please!
Quarantine Issues
Please check on your custom regulation on
imported plants on your country before purchasing. I cannot be hold responsible
for item confiscated by your custom. I ship items worldwide!
Please take in note
international postal service may take over a month to arrive to you, so be
patient for your seeds! You will simply love them when they arrive!
Seeds are packed dry and
should be planted upon arrived, the faster the better! Successful germination
of seeds and growth of young plants is dependent on the environment you provide
for them.
Any Questions please e-mail me.
Here is a normality chart for
item arrival times:
Central America  1-2 weeks
South America and North America 3-5 weeks
Europe 4-6 weeks
Africa, Asia and Australia 6-8 weeks
Please contact me after the normality time is over.